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Help prevent documents from tearing, bending and staining. Laminating puts a clear layer of protection between your document and the rest of the world. And we make the process as simple as possible.

Explore Your Options

Laminating a school project

Laminating Machine

When it comes to laminating, consistency is key. You need a machine that delivers every time, whether it’s for a document, recipe, large banner, poster, menu, or anything else you can imagine. Whether the laminator you need operates hot or cold, we’ll help you find the one that’s just right.

Shop Laminating Machines
Need more information? Learn more about our different laminator options.

Laminating Supplies

Laminating pouches and roll film determine your flexibility, texture and level of protection. And they come in a variety of sizes and finishes. Rest assured, we have the options you need, along with helpful tools to narrow them down.

Shop Laminating Supplies

Learn more about our laminating supplies and uses.

Laminating Film Rolls