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Below are answers to many frequently asked questions regarding products. If the answer to your question isn't listed, please email our knowledgeable Customer Care team using the form on our "Contact Us" page.
We understand finding a product number may be difficult. Depending on your product, the product number can be found in one or more locations:
It is best to return your defective product to the original place of purchase. If the original location will not accept your return, please contact us by calling consumer affairs at 1.800.463.2545.
For products purchased from a local store or through an office product dealers catalog, please return the product to where it was originally purchased. If the original location will not accept your return, you may contact us for assistance.
For all purchases ordered directly from us either online, by phone, or through the mail, please complete the Returns/Replacements form found in your shipment. Be sure to include your contact information along with the item number and a reason for the return. A customer service representative will contact you to assist with the issue.
Go to the product detail page of the item you would like to review. Click the "Write a Review" link at the bottom of the product details page. You must have a registered account to write a review.
Some items may not be available online as they are exclusive to specific retailers or resellers. If you need more help looking for an item, please contact our customer service at 800.463.2545.
Expected time to deliver your product will be shown above the "Add to Cart" button on the product page. You can always check back from time to time to see if that has changed or contact customer service for more information.
If your product has been discontinued, you may see other like items recommended as a substitute when you attempt to renew your order by visiting the order history page under "My Account" and selecting your previous order for that item. There are also other recommended products that will be shown when you attempt to search for that item. You can always contact customer service for additional assistance in locating a product that may best meet your needs.
We offer one of the widest selections of productivity tools, office and school supplies. We will continue to carry the same great product(s) you have always used while bringing you even more styles, sizes and brands in our newly expanded offering.